- Deciduous Trees & Shrubs
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- Native Deciduous Trees & Shrubs
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- Buttonbush
At a Glance
Latin Name: Cephalanthus occidentalis
Other common names: common buttonbush, button-willow, globe-flower, honey balls
Zones: 5-10
Mature Height: 3-12 ft They are shrubs or small trees growing to 3′ to 6′ tall in the northern part of its range, but to 10′ to 12′ tall in the southern part of its range.
Climate: Prefers full sun, will tolerate shade
Soil: Wetland tolerant, likes swampy areas, but will grow on dryer ground. Is native throughout the eastern half of North America. It is also found from Texas through parts of New Mexico, Arizona and California.
Does not grow well in alkaline soils.
Notes: Leaves grow opposite or whorled in threes or fours around stem.
Autumn color is dull yellow or green.
Requires periodic rejuvenation pruning, relatively pest free.
Wildlife: Strong preference for a variety of wildlife, Winter food source.
Seed is eaten by the mallard, wood duck, and many others.
Beneficial to pollinators. Food source for hummingbirds and Bees.
Bare Root Purchase Size: 2-3 ft.
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