- Coniferous Trees
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- Non-native Coniferous Trees
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- Bald Cypress
Bald Cypress
Latin Name: Taxodium distichum
Other common names: baldcypress, common bald-cypress, gulf cypress, red cypress, tidewater red cypress, white cypress, yellow cypress, cypress, swamp cypress
Zones: 4-10
Mature Height: 100-125 ft. medium growth rate of 13-24″ per year in ideal conditions.
Climate: Full Sun/Partial Shade.
Soil: Grows in a variety of soils, common in swampland, but not confined to it.
Can tolerate poor drainage and prolonged flooding. Prefers acidic soil ph less than 6.8. Bald Cypress does well in extremely wet conditions, even swamps. Although it grows best in warm climates, larger trees are able to tolerate much lower temperatures and lower humidities.
Notes: Deciduous conifer. Attractive fern-like foliage. Distinctive shade tree for parks, groves, and estates. Has globelike cones. Develops cypress “knees” in wet conditions (only tree to develop knees). In the 1700’s Bald Cypress were used to make giant canoes and water pipes.
Wildlife: Bald Cypress seeds provide food for squirrels and other wildlife. Wood ducks build nests in the trunks while Eagles build nests in the canopies of Bald Cypress. Used as breeding grounds for frogs and toads.
Bare Root Purchase Size: 2-3 ft.